About Us

We are an international team of healthcare professionals, scientists, technology experts, and individuals who have experienced the impact of pain firsthand.
Inspired by decades of progress in neuroscience and neuroplasticity, we're building the next generation of tools to support people in their journey to promote health and wellbeing
"The new science of neuroplasticity brings hope and optimism to those living with pain. My life mission is to share this knowledge and provide powerful tools that empower individuals to experience positive changes in their lives."
Dr. Elan Schneider – Co-Founder of TrainPain

Founding Team

Our founders have firsthand experience with the challenge of persistent pain. Dr. Schneider, a physical therapist specializing in pain rehabilitation, first met Laurence, an engineer and entrepreneur, as he sought relief from his own pain.

United by their personal battles with pain and a shared passion for the transformative power of neuroplasticity, they founded TrainPain.
Dr. Elan Schneider, DPT
A physical therapist, yoga instructor, and innovator with a specialized focus on pain science, clinical education, and digital therapeutics. Drawing on his vast clinical experience as director of pain rehabilitation programs, Dr. Schneider brings a multi-disciplinary approach to pain care.  He has developed pain education resources utilized in hospitals globally, and has taught pain rehabilitation courses to hundreds of healthcare professionals.
Laurence Nash
With over three decades of professional experience in fields ranging from aerospace to medical technology, Larry brings a wealth of expertise in electrical engineering, automation systems, and hardware development. Having lived with persistent pain himself, he is deeply committed to leveraging scalable technology for positive social impact.

Collaborating with leading scientist advisors and patient advocates.

We partner with top pain researchers and dedicated patient advocates. Through their expert guidance and collaboration, we've developed solutions that are deeply rooted in both cutting-edge science and real-world lived experience.
Prof. Chris Eccleston
Prof. Eccleston is the Director of the Centre for Pain Research at the University of Bath. He has over 250 research publications, has received the Ronald Melzack Award for contributions to pain science, and is the author of 'Embodied: The Psychology of Physical Sensation’.
Joletta Belton
Joletta is a medically retired firefighter turned advocate for equitable research and pain care. She leverages her lived experience and insights to push for epistemic justice in healthcare, has served as a patient partner on international research teams and is a published author on pain science.

Making Neuroplasticity Fun

Our product design team includes people behind some of the most played games in the world. Together, they harness the joy of gaming to enhance neuroplasticity training.
Noah Falstien
A thought leader in game design, Noah formerly served as the Chief of Game Design at Google. Specializing in neurogaming, VR, AR, and MR, he brings a wealth of experience to interactive entertainment and health-focused games.
Kiki Olofson
As the former Creative Director of Candy Crush, Kiki has a rich background in interactive applications, particularly in the gaming industry. She brings a unique blend of creativity and design expertise to the team.